"Real Choices based on Real Alternatives"

Together we can make a difference
Giving back through life-changing experiences.
"Real Choices based on Real Alternatives"
Giving back through life-changing experiences.
You can sign up for the Pregnancy Center program, which provides moms an opportunity to earn points towards baby items, such as diapers, baby cribs, pack and plays, bassinets, car seats, diapers, clothing, formula, and some food items. Ultrasounds are available through the main office in Buckhannon, we also have a ultrasound machine in the Pregnancy center located in Parsons, WV. Please call to schedule an appointment for your ultrasound. 304-473-1122
Upshur County Office (Main office)
Buckhannon Office:
8 Meadow St.
Buckhannon, WV 26201
Braxton County Office
Gassaway Baptist Church
56 Beall Drive
Gassaway, WV 26624
Tuesdays 10am-2pm
Tucker County Offices
Thomas Office
St. Thomas ED Building
Thomas, WV 26292
Second & Fourth Wednesday
Parsons Office
341 2nd Street
Parsons, WV 26287
Thursdays 10am-2pm
Randolph County Office
Riverside Church
3071 Appalachian HWY
Harman, WV 26270
Friday 10am-12 noon
Hours/Days/and Information
Subject To Change
We are a non-profit tax-exempt (501-C) organization, donations can be deductible.
We do not receive any Federal or State dollars, we are a faith based organization.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
We are a non-profit Tax-exempt (501-C) organization, donations can be deductible.
Our pregnancy center is a caring place where women find friendship, comfort, and hope, as well as the resources needed in their hour of decision. Any pregnancy will require certain adjustments in the life of the mother. Perhaps the pregnancy is ill-timed, unplanned or even unwanted.
We will provide factual and informational data so that each woman can base her decision upon alternatives, with caring support needed at that time.
All too often women in emergency situations make decisions which may not have been thought out and live to regret those decisions.
We provide post-abortion support thru our "SaveOne" program with written materials, for individuals or groups to help you cope. When needed, we also provide referrals for professional counseling.
We are a non-profit Tax-Exempt (501-C) organization,donations can be tax deductible.
8 Meadow St
Buckhannon, WV 26201
The Central WV Center for Pregnancy Care, Inc. freely acknowledges to the client and the community that it places value upon all human life, from conception onward. The purpose of the CWVCPC is to help a woman who is in a state of crisis to understand and work through the alternatives, enabling her to make an informed decision concerning the outcome of her pregnancy. Further, The Center seeks to provide support to all parties involved. For the woman who decides to carry her baby to term, the CWVCPC will provide emergency aid in whatever form is available and needed. The aim is to restore the woman to a normal level of coping or to help her move from a state of crisis to a state of being in control of her life.
The Central West Virginia Center for Pregnancy Care, Inc. is committed to Christian action, especially in regard to the prevention of abortion; therefore, the CWVCPC direct attention to the positive alternatives of crisis pregnancy prevention. In addition to helping the pregnant woman in a state of crisis, the CWVCPC will offer programs in the community, including teen sexuality programs, encouraging and instructing those Christian virtues of abstinence and the sanctity of the marriage relationship. In addition, the CWVCPC may offer education to the public on abortion to enable parents to better cope with and promote healthy sexual development in their children, and to work directly with teens and pre-teens in examining and developing healthy Christian lifestyles.
We are a non-profit Tax-Exempt (501-C) organization, donations can be tax deductible.
8 Meadow St
Buckhannon. WV 26201
Copyright © 2023 Central WV Center for Pregnancy Care Inc. 8 Meadow St. Buckhannon, WV 26201
All Rights Reserved.
We are a non-profit Tax-Exempt (501-C) organization, donations can be tax deductible.